Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weight Loss is Not Hard!


I work with a company, called YORhealth. Our product is actually different than anything out there right now. Our product focuses on getting your body back into balance, which will, in turn, help with digestive issues, energy deficiencies, weight loss, muscle gaining, and a wide range of other health issues. This blog will update you on the different success stories I've heard, and before/after pictures of friends and family!

Here's how our product is different:

Many people live their lives each day feeling tired, fatigued, and run-down. They blame it on getting older, stress, genetics, etc. They get used to feeling this way and eventually it becomes accepted as normal. After a while, they can't remember what it's like to feel really good. Our modern day lifestyles, poor diets and chlorinated water, along with a polluted environment are robbing us of the nutrients we need for optimum health.

Depriving the body of vitamins and nutrients it needs creates great internal physiologic stress. Organs work harder and often make compensatory adjustments, like robbing other organs of their nutrients. The body produces more stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to cope - which at high levels has detrimental effects on the body and brain, blood pressure is raised, and immune function is suppressed. Combine physiological stress from our diets with the physical, mental, emotional, and environmental stressors of our daily lives, and all of those add up to way beyond what our bodies were designed to deal with.

Our bodies are made up of cells (about 100 trillion). Millions of cells die each day, while a million new cells are born each and every hour. If the only nutrients ever available to our cells are of poor quality, then it stands to reason that the cells may still use these poor-quality nutrients and manufacture more poor quality cells. Given the power to rebuild, renew, and reinvent ourselves, why not strive for optimal health so we can enjoy our years rather than merely endure them? Positive health changes through lifestyle and nutrition won't happen overnight, but it does happen, and it’s never too late to start.

Enzymes occur naturally in the body. Our products put those back, so that the good vitamins and minerals can actually BE ABSORBED into your body, making you healthier and thinner.

I imagine that was long and boring, so I'll cut to a few before and after photos:

These are all friends of mine! With help from YORhealth products, these guys have been able to change their bodies in an extreme way.

If you are interested, email me at:


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